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Site Audit

SEO audit

Usability audit

Comprehensive audit

Do you want to move your online business to a new level, take Top positions in search engines? Start with the main thing – identify shortcomings and problems that prevent the site from taking a leading position. SEO site audit is a detailed review of your web resource, comprehensive analysis and development of recommendations for business optimization. This is a way to save time, strength and funds for further development. And the result will not keep waiting!

Importance of SEO Site Audit

The first thing to do for promotion of any site is to analyze the real situation of affairs in search engines, find the strengths and weaknesses of promoting your online business.

All pages of your web resource are involved in this analysis. Professional SEO audit is a list of all site errors.

The SEO audit process includes the following steps:

Study the features of your business niche search query;

Define keywords for your resource;

Analysis of the semantic structure of the project;

Reference mass analysis;

Content optimization;

Report and recommend corrective actions.


SEO site audit will help to solve a whole range of problems:

  • improve the appearance of the web resource;
  • improve the position of the site in Yandex and Google;
  • Increase organic traffic
  • improve behavioral factors.

When to order service:

SEO audits can be conducted at any stage of promotion and for any site. Especially if important tasks need to be solved:

  • The site is hardly seen in search engines;
  • Pages are only partially indexed by search engines;
  • Search traffic decreased;
  • The appeal of the site to users has worsened (obsolete usability);
  • There are no clear ways to promote the site.


There are a lot of factors for ranking a web resource by search engines and without a SEO audit it will be very difficult to understand why your online resource does not fall into prestigious places of search engines. Specialists of the Internet marketing agency WebSuperovo offers a comprehensive audit of your site, which will help to solve all problems.

Site audit types:

Your site is promoted and developed, but the results can always be improved!

You can audit the site step by step and in the complex, first analyzing the domain name, site pages, the number of indexed pages by search engines, the presence of language versions and a reference profile.

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Technical audit

Identifies technical errors and site vulnerabilities without which site promotion is impossible. Technical audit includes work that can be measured:

  • Download speed of all pages, files, scripts;
  • Number of broken links;
  • Cyclic references;
  • Server response statuses;
  • Indexing pages.


Improving the technical performance of the site will solve important problems:

  • Increase the rate at which the resource is loaded
  • correct layout errors;
  • Configure proper indexing in search engines
  • improve the distribution of the site in organic;
  • make a work plan on errors for the programmer.
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SEO Audit

Offers to see your site through the eyes of search engines, implying semantic verification, analysis of content relevance, audit of internal and external links.

The SEO audit includes:

  • Check whether Title and H1 tags, Description and Keywords meta-tags are filled correctly.
  • Checks whether the Html structure of headers and text content is correct.
  • Checks the uniqueness of the text content of the main sections and pages of the site.
  • Audit of SEO texts (density of keywords, spam, volume of texts, etc.).
  • Checks for optimization of site images and videos.
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Site usability analysis

Checking the usability of your site by visitors includes the following steps:

  • Analysis of site navigation systems;
  • Verification of contact information on all pages of the site;
  • Site Search System Analysis;
  • Evaluation of design uniqueness;
  • Audit of order forms;
  • Analysis of quality and informativity of graphic and text content of the main sections/subsections of the site;
  • Verifies site adaptability for different devices.

With SEO audit, you can check the security of the site and evaluate the possibilities of search promotion.

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Marketing Audit

Determines the current position of your site in the output of search engines.

The marketing audit includes the following steps:

  • Determination of site positions by semantic core;
  • Define relevant landing pages
  • Analysis of the main sites of competitors;
  • Target audience research;
  • Checking the Time Advance Strategy.
  • Audit of commercial factors.

Order site audit

By choosing such a service as SEO-audit, you get the opportunity to check project in detail and optimize it, making it attractive and interesting for users and your potential partners.

Website analysis, customization and search optimization are aimed at improving content, usability, attracting potential customers and increasing audience confidence in your business. SEO-specialists of the Internet marketing agency WebSuperovo in a short time will check your resource, perform SEO-optimization and help to promote your site to the top positions of search results. We will work out the complete structure of your web resource and the entire semantic core. To do this, we have a team of specialists, competence, understanding of processes and expertise.

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Website Audit Benefits

The SEO audit of the site is a key tool for promoting digital advertising in the modern market and the most reasonable marketing investment in terms of cash investments and the result achieved.

Let's start developing your business together!