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Semantic kernel

Collecting a semantic kernel

Making  site visible to visitors Yandex and Google is the main task. Search promotion of the site usually begins with the construction of a semantic kernel. This is a set of keywords and phrases that reflect the subject matter of the site. Semantic means the semantic content of the site and the compilation of the semantic core is the process of collecting answers to the global question: what information can be found on the site.

This process involves identifying search queries by which your future users and potential customers will search for information published on the site. Thus the content of the site will answer questions that the audience asks. A well-built semantic core will ensure the success of organic issuance – the most effective source of traffic attraction to your website.

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Collecting a semantic kernel

In order to competently assemble the semantic core of the site, you need to thoroughly study the industry and business. The semantic core defines the framework of your resource, its entire architecture.

You need to collect keywords and select phrases by which you can get into the top search results. For this, special services are used: Wordstat yandex, Serpstat, KeywordPlanner. Keys are distributed across pages creating a site structure. Page content will answer questions asked by the audience. Analysis of competitive sites is an excellent source of keyword ideas.

The result of building a semantic kernel is a list of key queries distributed across site pages. It contains page URLs, search queries, and their frequency.

User-defined query types:

  • Informational – enter to get the information of interest to users.
  • Transactional are requests to perform actions (purchase goods, order services, download content, etc.)
  • Navigation – search for information on specific sites or in specific regions.


By their popularity requests are divided into:

  • High-frequency (from 5000 shows per month), medium-frequency (1000-5000 shows) and low-frequency (up to 1000 shows). The volume of the semantic core can vary from several tens to thousands of keywords depending on the popularity of your business.

Key phrase selection stages for semantic kernel:

– identification of basic keys by means of which the audience searches for goods or services;

– expansion of the semantic kernel: with the help of services for selecting key phrases, with regional binding, a list of search phrases is compiled for each base key;

– removal of inappropriate search phrases;

– grouping of keys and distribution by site pages.

This is important:

– to collect the semantic kernel, you need to collect as many user requests as possible (including different frequencies);

– do not use null keys – they will not attract traffic;

– analysis: the service will collect phrases and their characteristics, but only a person can analyze the business, really assess the level of competition and plan the seo- promotion of the site.


Benefit of working with WebSuperovo is simplicity:

  • from you – a briff, from us ready semantic kernel;
  • speed;
  • work experience;
  • reporting;
  • Comprehensive seo promotion from WebSuperovo! We know how to bring traffic to your site and increase conversion.

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